1. Provide an environment in which people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience the love, peace, and bliss which exists within all beings.
2. Foster an experience of oneness with the creator by encouraging regular spiritual practices and worship.
3. Serve God by serving those who come in his Name, through encouraging unity, cooperation, and tolerance among the world’s religions.
4. Promote feelings of peace and godliness by protecting and preserving the natural beauty of the church grounds and surrounding area.
5. Provide help to those who are in need.
The Secret of life
is the ability to enter into the present moment.
As you learn to live through experiences with childlike openness,
grace will begin to flow through you.
-Yogi Amrit Desai
We hold in high regards the universal teachings found within all paths. We draw insight and hold high respect for Jesus Christ’s true teachings taught through Yogananda, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji. We look to the universal teachings of the 1o Sikh Gurus and ultimately the embodiment of their essence manifesting in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
We hold in dear reverence Swami Kripalu (Bapuji), Dadaji, Shri Yogi Amrit Desai. We hold in great regard the Quaker’s Divine Light and direct experience beliefs. We look to Thich Nhat Hanh and the Buddha’s teachings for an example of cultivating a deep sense of peace within ones self. We look to Krishnamurti to keep us honest on our journey and to help us see through the spiritual materialism that is so easily alluring but distracting from the path to realize our true self.
Shivoham Monastery holds weekly yoga, meditation, devotional services. Periodically, Shivoham Monastery holds workshops to help facilitate deeper understanding, we have a goal of having a community garden and offering vegan dinners to the community. Ultimately, we strive to foster a sense of deep peace within our hearts and strive to do unto others as we want done to us. We are One.