Paths are Many, Truth is ONE!
Threads of Truth run throughout all the religions and spiritual paths in the world. We seek to explore what brings us together rather than that which drives us apart. Ultimately recognizing that their is no separation between the creator and its creation, only the illusion of separateness. Subscribing to the tenet, if we don’t see God in all, we don’t see God at all.
We believe in fostering a direct experience with the divine allowing that soft whisper of the creator to guide you directly. We do this through a variety of mediums such as meditation, yoga practices, healing circles, scared chanting, building community, and community service.
Shivoham Yoga is founded on the premise that we are all one, One Creator, One Creation, The Creator and the Creation are One – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And from that truth comes the basis of why we are here and how we should LIVE. We encourage everyone to find the path within not from another, the yogic teachings and religious teachings provide us valuable truth and insights but ultimately it has to resonate within us, in every fiber of ones being, the path is a pathless path of ease.
We hold in high regards the universals teachings found within all paths. We draw insight and hold high respect for Jesus Christ’s true teachings taught through Yogananda, Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji. We look to the universal teachings of the 1o Sikh Gurus and ultimately the embodiment of their essence manifesting in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
We hold in dear reverence Swami Kripalu (Bapuji), Dadaji, Shri Yogi Amrit Desai. We hold in great regard the Quaker’s Divine Light and direct experience beliefs. We look to Thich Nhat Hanh and the Buddha’s teachings for an example of cultivating a deep sense of peace within ones self. We look to Krishnamurti to keep us honest on our journey and to help us see through the spiritual materialism that is so easily alluring but distracting from the path to realize our true self.
Shivoham Monastery holds weekly yoga, meditation, devotional services. Periodically, we holds workshops to help facilitate deeper understanding, we have a goal of having a community garden and offering vegan dinners to the community. Ultimately, we strive to foster a sense of deep peace within our hearts and strive to do unto others as we want done to us. We are One.
Enjoy this short talk; From Separation To Source by Shri Yogi Amrit Desai